Do you have a smaller property that you would like to make look larger? There are some inexpensive tips that you can use to make your property seem larger to any prospective tenants. Your tenants may well like the results enough to stay longer and reduce your turnover costs. Although some of these tips apply only to a furnished unit in a direct sense, you may find them useful in other ways as well, such as in enhancing your own palatial quarters.
1. Using Light to Increase the Feeling of Openness
— A light and open appearance makes any space seem larger. The feeling of openness is aided by good lighting, because of our lifelong conditioning to associate brightly lit places with open spaces. Shine lights on walls so they will appear to be brighter. You might want to have lighting controls that will allow you to dim or increase the intensity in each room, as an added touch.
2. Colors
– Use only lighter shades of warm colors such as red, yellow, brown and orange. These colors can make a room seem bigger and more open. To give a particular room extra depth, you might try using light colors on three walls and a coordinating darker tone on the remaining wall to fool the eye into perceiving added depth.
3. Minimize the Furniture
— Any rooms that have too much furniture tend to look smaller. The more crowded a room is, the smaller it will seem. Be sure not to crowd the furniture together when you want to make the room look larger than it physically is. Avoid putting big armchairs and sofas in cramped spaces. Use dual purpose furniture to maximize the appearance of spaciousness. For instance, a footstool that has a place inside for magazine storage saves the space that would otherwise be needed for a second dedicated piece.
4. Accessories
– Curtains and other accessories you use to decorate the property can have a big impact on how large or small it appears. Use light colored curtains to allow plenty of light during the daytime. Choose light colored furniture, or as a minimum use light colored covers for the furniture, since choosing light colors tends to give a feeling of extra space.
5. Mirrors Can Be Effective
— Use wall mirrors strategically to give the appearance of depth to a room. This is one of the easiest improvement tips ever. Mirrors can serve as attractive art elements in and of themselves, and they serve the additional purpose of making small rooms seem larger.
6. Reduce Unattractive Clutter
— Having efficient storage is an important consideration, especially in confined spaces. The more junk there is in sight, the smaller and less attractive the place will look and the less comfortable your tenants will be. This is not just a matter of making the place more attractive to get tenants in, but accommodating a more healthful lifestyle for them in a subtle way. Use storage systems that accommodate a neat and tidy way of using the space. With less clutter, the property will be a petter place to live and will look better to prospective tenants.
These tips can save money and effort in the task of making a rental unit more attractive and marketable. In fact, these suggestions are among the best methods to improve a home for the practical reason of making it more pleasant for the occupants, as well as simply making it look great.
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